About us

Discover the Power of Words with AngliaSolution: Your Comprehensive Linguistic Partner.

With over 37 years of experience, we are experts in language training, translation of texts, interpreting and language coaching. Our passion for teaching English has led us to expand our services, providing accurate translations and offering interpreting services for companies and events.

At AngliaSolution, our team consists of highly skilled teachers, translators and interpreters in fields such as technology, engineering and healthcare. We pride ourselves on bringing quality and expertise to every project we take on.

We have worked with individuals, groups, companies and governing bodies, with the approach of being much more than an external supplier. We are your partner, your in-house partner, committed to providing you with a personal touch and close collaboration every step of the way.


Trust AngliaSolution and take your language skills to the next level!

Contact us to enhance your success in today’s globalized world.!